[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

No because you could be a class with an important D1 ability

for instance, as you suggested, you could be Prince

Anyway, what the hell is crackin’ y’all.

Of course I looked at my class.

Have you read the thread? It’s at a ~25 minute read time according to the forum.

Nope. I was summoned and started stalling for time. I’ll get an overview in a sec

I really liked the wallpost you wrote for us in Mafia Academy, could you do something like that again here? It was actually really helpful for sorting you.

Does Lara have any significance to you?

What’s Lara? visible confusion

It doesn’t?

Indeed it does not, and now I’m just confused.

Don’t worry about it.

Do you have any thoughts on the gamestate at the moment?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that’s not what I’m doing

Katze posting a readlist right now is :thinking:. Feels too performative for my tastes.

Talk to me about Luxy

He’s not my biggest question mark at the moment, necessarily, but he’s the loudest question mark

uh if that metaphor didn’t make sense you can just ignore it

Actually agree with this, but a readlist could be telling for a person making it.

Do you mean exclamation mark

So you agree the defence of pushing agenda day 1 being counterproductive as false?

No I mean question mark because right now I’m not sure

Alright listen up squad.

King should be able to talk in big letters, that’s my next change suggestion.

I’m attempting to be more active at scumreading, as MafAcademy showed me I was really lacking there and GI I also barely tried to.

I’m fully aware a readlist this early doesn’t hold too much merit, because there’s not enough real content to sift through.

Luxy is one of my more confident townreads at the moment.

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