[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Yes, Derps. I’m 99.99% sure I shouldn’t suicide off him, but if its that .01%: SDA I’m gonna be upset at you.

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You should just get the upset our of your system now then

Git gud


Now I am doing big brain time, are you happy now?


What’s the VC at on Alex?

Accused Voters Votes
JgoesGaming Possessed 1/7
AlexejheroYTB WazzaAzza, Marshal, Katze, SirDerpsALot, Jgoesgaming 5/7
SirDerpsALot Arete 1/7
Marshal AlexejheroYTB, JaketheWolfie 2/7
Currently Abstaining Players Shurian, PoisonedSquid, Kai_5 4/13

I unvoted.

Take Wazza off since he’s dead

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Accused Voters Votes
JgoesGaming Possessed 1/7
AlexejheroYTB Marshal, Katze, SirDerpsALot, Jgoesgaming 4/7
SirDerpsALot Arete 1/7
Marshal AlexejheroYTB, JaketheWolfie 2/7
Currently Abstaining Players Shurian, PoisonedSquid, Kai_5 4/13

Shurian swapped around Vulgard and Marshal first night

There’s only one problem however, why didn’t Jake die cold steeling Vulgard?

jake alraedy re-claimed NK

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Hasn’t Jake admitted to being NK like three times now


jake: “im NK”
jake: “lolreactiontests”
jake: “no im actually NK”

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Being frustrated make them stupid decision, like don’t do that ever again.

I don’t beleive him.

i think he’s assassin

Wouldn’t he want to be day executed over a night execute if he were Assassin?

Jake is 100 percent scum here but he could be non-NK scum, like Dat in Old Ruins

Hmm I tried thinking this through different perspective.

But can you even redirect sellsword?