[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!



stream blond

I forget exactly what you said but your scumread on Vul followed by ‘but I can’t explain that because ongoing games’ made it really obvious that you knew Vul’s alignment there

The weirdest thing is, when I’m not trying, I’m really good at guessing scum (Like when I was skimming LotR) But when I actually try that as town, it always fails. I think I’m subconsciously overthinking my reads as town and I don’t know how to stop myself from doing that.

oh yeah i was sure they were different alignments because his play was so fucking different but :man_shrugging:

if squid wasn’t hero-shot scum win that game.

and squid was hero-shot because shuri thought they were starting scum.

when they were… proven not starting scum.

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Hero-shooting there was +EV even with the risk of a miss

TFW you go to sleep with 11 people alive and you wake up to an Unseen win

Skimming Mystic chats for fun


@Shurian :eyes:

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This has already been said.

I thought that was in scumchat :eyes:

TFW when you don’t even remember your own post


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Also, classcard thread has Mind Flayer as guaranteed instead of conversion immune lmao.

Convert the NK

Well I sure as hell weren’t no dam nindpayer

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I was trying to make it seem like I had TMI that you weren’t NK in my posts, not sure if anyone noticed.

On D3 I was definitely TMIing Jake as NK and the game type as Unseen

I was trying to hide it, not sure how well I succeeded

I should probably post this in the feedback thread insted of here.

If I could find it lmao.

EDIT: nvm, found it.

But Kai, arete bad