[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

You, Frost, Kai

Me, Katze, Arete

Oh wait

Yeah no way to stop a kill and a conversion there, you could only stop one,

Wait, yeah, lynch rands are a thing.


Then yeah…you can yeet the prince that way.


  • all BD needed to vote the same person with Royal Blood, thereby preventing me from becoming King
  • BD needed to lynch in Jgoes/Katze. If any BD votes another one at any point, we can quickhammer. Even without that, we can tie the vote, making it a 50/50
  • Kai needed to jailexe exactly the other one of Jake/Katze
    -Even then, I can still stab Frost or Derps overnight
  • This will put us into a 1v1 between me and Frost or Derps. BD then needs to win the second rand as we’ll crossvote
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Also this is dumb

Plurality should be disabled when only 2 players live


So the game was called too early, rip

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If we had to win off rands I would prefer unseen win tbh

as i said
1 in a billion is enough to call it to me

there were also 2 other moderrors with waz not dying when he should have and kai not getting elected

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Also if they vote Kai we can also vote Kai, which makes it outright unwinnable for BD again

i agree.

Yeah it just sucks Derps went anti-town :confused:

Wait yeah

Kai could grand trial and kill an unseen member but then all bd kp are gone. So literally just king kai

Still guaranteed unseen win though

No king because of tie
BD wins the lynch rand on MM/Assassin
New/Starting MM gets jail exed’
Convert kills a BD and the kill cannot be stopped, Kai bleeds out.
1v1 which is impossible for BD to win.

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By the current FoL rules it would be a lynch rand due to parity which i find dumb.

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I mean in that case all BD could vote Derps, he was still alive

So you change the rules mid-way?


I keep forgetting about lynch rands lmao. Why do they even exist?