[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Okay I know that. Im saying we should try and define generall null/scum reads

Any nightplan more specific than this is counterable

Why nightplan
When all they have to do

Dont visit me, but feel free to go anywhere else


CS you? Okay

Also if you’re an investigative and you get a redcheck don’t immediately out that information, push on the person for other reasons and see where it leads

Invests can come but oh well

You’ll die stop this


Mr Mully would like to have a word with you

good meme

name one townie thing you have done all game

real questions: cult, or not cult

It’s 50/50, isn’t it?

Flip a coin.

my class claim will be proven tonight by killing you :slight_smile:

I think its cult, but thats just a random guess don’t try to think too far into it pls

I might as well get my reads out there and get my PoE out since I’ll probably die tonight.

  1. Jgoesgaming - Null/Slightish Town
  2. WazzaAzza :crown: - Slight Scum
  3. AlexejheroYTB - Null
  4. Frostwolf103 - Slight Town
  5. Vulgard - Slight Town
  6. Shurian - Townlean
  7. SirDerpsAlot - Slight Town
  8. PoisonedSquid - Slight Townlean
  9. Marshal - Townlean
  10. Katze - Null
  11. Arete - Scumlean
  12. Possessed - Null
  13. JaketheWolfie - Slight Scumlean
  14. Sam17z - Scumlean
  15. Kai_5 - Townlean
  16. Luxy

Therefore, PoE for me already is quite tight. My PoE is:


Jgoes could be in there but gut says town on him

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I too like playing with the minds of the scum when I let out a small whisper


ill protect you

I hardclaim capable of preventing you from doing that, if you’re somehow BD here

I’m not going into more details than that, if Wazza ended up adding me to Imperial chat I’ll discuss it there :slightly_smiling_face:

Me will hard clam to Kang cuz me cant keep secrets kappa