[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Marsh my man
Personally, you tunnel too hard.

Me need to tunnel harder.
Me thinks your obstinancy is bad.

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Basically, as King your role is even more social than everyone else, due to the nature of your class

the fact that he’s making no attempt at gamesolving is thus concerning

I generally think of Wazza as one of the subset of players who has a hard time generating content as scum, and is capable of generating content as town, so this isn’t just a Wazz being Wazz thing

I know that lol

Wazza has a hard time generating content either alignment doesn’t he?

Would you lynch Waz tomorrow?


I will pretty much never lynch a King D2, and with King no longer being a double voter that’s even more true

May I know where this question comes from?

What answer were you expecting? What would you derive from those answers?

I have this weird idea, but lol Day 1 reads.

Doesn’t do much to advance gamestate

gets literally nothing from reaction.

This one is okay.

This one isnt great. I mean, that question seemed mostly rhetorical and asking for an answer is meh.

also just wanna point out i hate this post because something called pocketing exists.

pinging slankers asking for content is easy. Scum can and have done it a lot.

This is shade disguised as a question

also arete has a weird thing with fake-pinging this game. Like…

This last part isn’t AI, just something i like to point out

Is it just me or that everything you do just seems intrinsically scummy due to the fact that I’ve been, quite possibly, bamboozled one too many times from you?

i’m used to it.

regardless of alignment, i’m always scumread by a decent chunk(or the #1 scumread) d1.

Can I wolf you?

I wanted to know if her intentions lined up with her thinking

If she said yes I’d say she was more town as she is clearly scumreading Waz.

If she said no that proves a dissonance between her intentions and her reads given that she thinks relatively strongly about waz I’d think he’d at least be a backup lynch option.

please do not.

Notice I said would you lynch and not the lynch

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The part of dissonance is real.

“I thonk scummy, but not vote out.”

his Their reasoning for not voting the king out is that King is not double voter so why vote said scum over scum with powers.

Am I right?

I’m confused about how the two are different

Possible lynch vs Number 1 Lynch

You would lynch Wazza. But if there’s a better lynch presenting itself… you will lynch them over Wazza. But it doesnt mean you would not lynch Wazza if given the chance.

The the reasoning is ok per se but it still allows them if they are scum to setup a mislynch on waz in the the future if he is Bd

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Poor wording my man.

Its just as missable as a double negative