[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

The most relevant trait is actually that evil kings don’t know their own allies, the doublevoter part is mostly relevant because in previous games evil kings have on occasion done things like using their doublevote on D3 to have majority, and them not having a doublevote means that that’s not a concern

also relevant is that Butler is a class that may or may not have spawned this game

I messed up

I think you’re playing without mechs, which is good, but in FoL, you’re going to prepare for mechs to be accounted for as well.

Roleblockers bad.

If it’s an Unseen game you should pretty much never lynch the King before both Masterminds are dead

If it’s a Cult game you shouldn’t lynch the King unless you know who the CL is and expect to be able to keep them on lockdown either via offensives or via the Prince, or alternatively if you think Cult is dead

If there exists a Butler claim in the PoE you shouldn’t lynch the King full stop

These are absolute hard stances and if you ever see me take a contradictory stance I’m probably evil

Can we talk about people who are not Wazza now

Some content

If its not Wazza, its content

Yall reading into one post like bees to pollen

I feel like I actually agree or am fairly close to (e.g. I have Sam as null and you have him as a scumlean, you have Possessed as null and I have him as a scumlean, that sort of thing) most of these reads

the biggest disagreement besides my own slot is probably Kai, can you help me figure out how you got to that conclusion?

He claimed knight and said he was gonna kill you :man_shrugging:

He also mindmelded with myself on you and sam scumteam


I think if Kai turns out to be somehow town Luxy is probably also town, this is a gutread from how Luxy is explaining his TR on Kai

this quote:

doesn’t feel like scum TRing a townie

I’m not totally sure why I have this gut feeling but it sure is a gut feeling that I have

Semi-related: this post doesn’t feel like it comes from scum, I think Luxy and I can agree that it’s super wrong but it’s the sort of weird take that’s more likely to come from town

also I don’t think he’d paint this as an SvS if he were scum with Luxy, and if Luxy is town and Jake is scum then portraying it as TvS would make way more sense from a scum motivation

townlean on Jake for now

No man Jake said the whole thing

I too like to think this is

Mafia vs Neutral Killer

But then I think I rather wait for next day to make conclusions

here’s where I’m at in thermometer form





Wazza :crown:


I’m too confused about Luxy to put him in a tier

not going to lie I’m making a thermometer mostly so that I can make fun of myself in postgame

If you hypothetically had to put them in a tier, where would it be?

Got 'em!

Between Wazza and Marshal, I think, but like I’ve been saying every time I try to put him somewhere it feels wrong

with the caveat that absent other information I would probably go for a Possessed lynch over a Luxy lynch tomorrow more-or-less because we lose less in the case where we’re wrong

Do you place them that low because they’re scumreading you?

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No, I place him that low because his reasons for scumreading me are bad, there’s a distinction :upside_down_face:

except you can’t actually find poor reasons.

you just rank us low because we think you are scum.

you pointed out 1 reason, which was later refuted by me.

I’ve already explained several times why his reasons are bad

If you’re not actually reading my posts that’s kind of not my problem

In any case, if you actually look at my read-o-meter this is … pretty clearly not what I’m doing?

Somewhat relatedly: you said earlier that you were going to write up an analysis of why you thought Vul was agenda-y, are you going to get around to doing that at some point?