[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

scumreads you
[so does luxy and he would go above me as you said]

townreads you

I don’t feel like it.

maybe later.

@Arete please quote a reason from each of me, luxy, and kai that is poor reasoning.

otherwise you will always be scumpile.

hi guys i’m arete and imma shade everyone and sr people who think i’m scummy for doing so

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anyways imma cs arete tonihgt as they scum

I was looking them up in the thread my dude

In any case:

I have already explained why all the variants on this read are a bad take

at the time of your request this was the only actual explanation Kai gave of his read, at the time of posting the extent of me “dominating thread discussion” is me trying to ensure that literally any discussion happens on D1 whatsoever, which previously was not the case

have two questionable reasons from Marshal, the first one is bad because it’s just … objectively false … and the second one is bad because I tryhard as both alignments

Serious question: what’s your plan for tomorrow? either you kill me and don’t die, and you’re outed as scum, or you don’t kill me, we end up thunderdomed, and you end up dead at some point or another after I flip

You keep delaying your Vul read

If Vul is so obviously agenda-pushing as you claim then it shouldn’t be hard to find examples of it, no?

this is ignoring the thing where I can in fact in some way avoid dying

not being any more specific than that


and i already explained why your level of niceness here is unnatural and probably sinister.

To be fair i rescind this as I think i got things a little mixed up, but the point that you are trying to be locktowned still stands. You want people to townread you and it shows.

but you are doing a whole new level of tryhard. You want to be townread and control how the thread moves. Something that isn’t really classic arete.

all of the “dangit y’all. I’m doing my best to uprise against the evil bad slankers by hyperposting, and am getting scumread for it! Sorry If it’s a crime to want the game to go somewhere” posts are all AtE too.

this is an exaggeration but lemme quote some of it.

Slankrian now exists.

I don’t think this post from Kai makes sense in a world where he’s actually a BD Knight

because from a BD Knight perspective he’s … not expecting that he’ll CS me, I’ll die and flip BD, and he won’t die

so he wouldn’t have to plan for that

I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into this

i see scum
i kill scum

ez pz

U see scummy town
U kill
U die

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This post especially

This post especially

Im arete and im the town leader please it’s such a burden being the town leader.

Thread was progressing slowly but fine without you.

and it’s d1

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