[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

This is the nightplan

do this

Shurian why would town shut down dissenting opinions without engaging them and why would town lead the thread in meaningless directions?

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Holy shit 400 replies…
I’m not reading that.

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lucky for you day ends in 8 minutes so you will have all night to read.

Did they?
I’ll decide for myself tyvm :slight_smile:

I’ll read the thread and come out with a D2.
Because I literally cant die.

Alright, this is the plan right?

No that was meme.

I cant even target someone else.

I mean
I could…
But Marshal will remember that.

I’m a self preserving bastard so.

I was also joking.


Have 5 mins left guys

If u roleblocker, really, dont bother coming to me, I’m immune

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I want to reiterate that Marshal’s posts today have been agenda-y as hell

I’m obviously going to be biased about his posts on me but if we look at e.g. his read on Vul, he comes in attempting to discredit Vul by accusing him of agenda-pushing, when asked to give examples repeatedly pushes it off and says he’ll do it later, then ends up outright refusing. this is similar to what Ici did in Marson, where he accused Vul of TMI (which he was not doing, obviously), then refused to give examples and kept pushing it off until later.

tl;dr Marshal has been spending all of today attempting to discredit the threats to him, i.e. the people who he sees as actively trying to solve the game

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yes you are

if i’m muddling through this half drunk you have no excuse


and now i remembered why i scumread you.

Because I called you out on your agenda-pushing and failure to justify yourself?

I forgot EoD was so soon, I was hoping to have a post prepared.

If Kai really is a Knight, I don’t think killing Arete is the right call yet.

Also, Marshal never came around with his Vulgard ISO, but that’ll probably come out D2?

Glad to know I’m not the only one seeing the agenda pushing

Also, reminder for everyone overnight to WRITE LOGS