[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

You know what? Screw it. I am noble.

D1: court spy arete + vulgard
N1: gossip shuri, no result

“Noble” spelled out with each letter something weird(no is crossed out, b is capital, L is actually capital i, and the e is missing from “level”

Shuri is known for the popcorn meme, and I got “no” result.

I did this all on mobile so yeah


I was gonna bounty arete, but correctly predicted the jail and didn’t feel confident bountying anyone else, so I decided to target shuri who I felt was a likely target.

Fuck at this point might as well fullclaim

Everyone might as we at this point

D2 massclaim meme


I mean half the threads claimed at this point

I think it’s just me

No it’s not

Well then who?

So I’m one of your scumreads then? I suppose that is reasonable. I do not like it, but it’s reasonable.

Figure it out yourself

No screw off I’m on mobile and you clearly know.

I’m not claiming for as long as I live, unless it’s to the Mystic or King

Besides the Marshal bandwagon, two things that pinged me was Sam’s fluff-like call-outs with little follow up and another that I will reserve judgement for until later in the day because I want to see if this person will be more town-like without calling them out on it.

Generally, scum cannot get comfortable in a thread and have to “exist” without pumping out real content. Apparently Sam is LHF, but he exhibits telltale signs of an uncomfortable wolf.

Isn’t Sam a newbie me am I wring and I just haven’t seen them before

I don’t believe so; I know I’ve played at least one game with Sam before. Sam might be new to scum, and that would be one of my inward pings on him.

Or Prince, dear sir.

I swear if you added scum into royal chat because they asked you to

I mean…I know that Wazza is usually pretty lazy but mindlessly adding others in IS an EK move.

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