[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I don’t like Sams defense, but I don’t think it comes from scum.

What do you guys think @Arete @Marshal @katze

Do we want Sams claim?

You don’t have to give townreads, nor do you have to townread someone.

Let’s say I have 0 townreads, how am I supposed to give townreads and reasons if they don’t exist?
(Not saying Jake doesn’t have Townreads, I’m just saying)

No i meant in… all of your posts.

you now have 50.

Quote one where you even lightly townread someone.

This might be NK vibes.

Maybe I’m silly, but I feel like if Sam were scum they’d be trying a lot harder to defend themselves.

This is too early to seem defeated in their defense, in my eyes?

What would be an alternate Defence? Suggest please. Looking through my 17 posts at the time and showing how those 17 little posts make me town. The only other thing is to wagon someone else which I kindve did but not very efefctive

What the heck? No.

Why would you want someone to out already?

If Sam is a neut of any variety (as Possessed is softing he is) I don’t think he’s a benign one

If he were a benign one (to be fair Merc is like the only benign neut that currently exists, and arguably Scorned depending on how it’s played :thinking:)

So basically if Possessed has a neutcheck on Sam he’s highly unlikely to be a BDish neut

Can confirm poss doesn’t have a neut check.

I could force it. I have seen enough to out this.

stop whiteknighting potential scum jake is probably NK.

But just the fact that he’s never said “you know, i think ___ could be town” is not great.

This is only if Possessed actually has such a check for what it’s worth

I don’t want possessed to “force it”

@Sam17z claim pwease

I have a yellow check on Sam17z and his read list has indicated its closer to red.

I think I out the pieces together.

Btw I visited Vulgard last night. If that means much

Tf does that mean



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because if sam is K/O and visited vul. then LMAO
