[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I never scum read you on the noble claim
It was just that it was part that kinda killed it.

I was thinking Marshal gotta be scum from quite early on.

You said it yourself, you’re directly discrediting and you want to. And it’s all up there… really.

And that’s too bad I suppose. May you have a better day.

Kinda immune to all this AtE things already.

cooooooonfirmation bias.

That was adressed at @Luxy

Then why would you put it together with me and Luxy?
It is conf bias, but I dont see anything that’s changing the current read of mine on you.

because you were agreeing with luxy’s points on my claim being fishy.

I obviously can’t convince you.

and nobody here will do that for you. Why? becuase i don’t have fucking scumpartners.

Nobody is saying “hey marshal is probly towny”

and it’s that. constantly. in eveeeeeeery fucking game i play

Let’s see…

It’s actually because every single time you rolled a game you somehow always roll scum

and it’s indicative of scum with no partners, slanky partners, or TOWN

Being scumread is part of my me.

I am scumread as town, and as scum, always, d2.

i have been #1 d2 wagon coooooooountless times. and here it is. again.

I never get a fucking relaxing d2

Black flag

all of these games(i’m not completely sure on sfol55 but i think so) i was the top wagon d2 at some point for a considerable amount.

fuck me

D1 of Short fuse 4 i was nearly blown up.(it had a d1 lynch so i count it)

Nah dude I have a theory.

Besides that townslip, Derps said some very, questionable things in my conduit chat. Now it could be memes, but they were very suspicious.

Also, he thinks Marshal is Town, which is extremely weird from him, and that he also thought Arete/Vul had one scum.

He also went on to say
“Pizza Mystic, say Pizza so we know who u are!”
“Don’t bear please!”
That makes it likely for him to be scum at one point.

But the townslip thing. That’s the issue. It could be Derps really is Town, and was angry at me for outing when I never really did, OR Derps was faking and angry at me for limiting his fake claim options (well… a bit far fetched tbh.) But then again… (shrug).

Also lol Marshal
Ya aint never gonna get a relaxing D2 LEL
My work computer just broke down and I’m freaking out so weew.

I don’t remember derps townslipping.

This is a pretty big thing, too.

/vote sirderpsalot

counterwagon against me, also want some insight on all of his conduit actions.

Thats about it
He about asked me to commit unbear about 4 times

His reason was
“N1 Bear Bad”

He had same reads as you.
He also mentioned Jake+ (who again fuck)

As watching

Alright, I’m back and caught up.

@Luxy, to answer your question from earlier, on a social level I still think he’s being scummy but faking Noble seemed like an unlikely play here, and if he’s scum trying to buy a day he could have just claimed that he’d Bountied a random. also I’ll feel really dumb if we execute him and he’s actually a Noble

About as dumb as executing the priest?

Or unique garunteed sherrif?