[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I don’t know Jakes meta, so this doesn’t make too much sense to me.

So what you’re saying is Jake being a lean to many people = Jake scum?

I do agree that Jake is probably one of the better bounty targets, but your process leading up to that conclusion is strange to me and I can’t tell if that’s strictly because I haven’t played with them enough.

okay let me try again to explain it because I think I did a bad job the first time

Jake is a super easy person to push, regardless of his alignment; Jake mislynches are not super uncommon, because he’s just kind of an intrinsically scummy person, and both town and scum tend to push him.

this means that if he’s not being pushed, there’s usually a reason for it, and that reason is usually that he’s scum (which means that (a) scum doesn’t want to push him, and (b) scum isn’t going to egg on or encourage the people scumreading him)

right now he’s not seriously being pushed – a decent number of people are like ‘yeah I think he might be scum,’ but no one is actually going beyond that.

did that explanation make sense? if not I can try again in the morning.

That explanation makes more sense, but it’s kind of ironic that your reason for pushing him is that he isn’t being pushed…

It doesn’t convince me that you’re not just trying to push a mislynch, though :eyes:

I don’t even want to lynch him today, I want to lynch Sam who is basically just a wolf

ideally if Marshal is real I’d like him to bounty Jake

that’s kind of how threadstate reads go

also that’s kind of an oversimplification – like, I don’t know, Shurian isn’t being pushed, and I don’t think it’s because he’s scum. Jake is doing various scummy things most of which have already been discussed, and generally failing to act townie, but no one is pushing him over it, which obviously begs the question of why no one is doing it

I personally find it sus.
No one pushing onto me kappa
Scum can’t push onto me

Good news
They cant kill me either
Nor can they convert me

I’m sorry to pop in like this, but I don’t think Jake is a good bounty.

I can’t really explain right now, because I’m in class.

I guess this is where my inexperience is kicking me, because this justification sounds mildly silly to me.

shuri lockscum

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I do see what Arete’s driving at.

You’ve been reading the MU articles haven’t you, naughty Arete

Marshal’s recent behavior makes me less sure he is scum. Like, if he were scum, I don’t think he would’ve used a Scorned claim to reactiontest Arete, I think he would’ve used it as an attempt to escape the lynch. I’m hesitant to clear him because the rest of his ISO, though.

If Sam is actually the NK it’s possible none of Possessed/Squid/Katze is scum. I’m not going to clear them based on that, because it’s still possible Vulgard was killed by both scum (Assuming Unseen) and NK or that scum wanted to get rid of Vulgard, but couldn’t (assuming Cult).

I don’t really have time to thoroughly think about it rn, so that might change when I get home.

A good NK example is Alice


No one should be talking about NK, focus on groupscum.

“No don’t lynch me, lynch the NK!”

Who are discussing about players being NK that need to be lynched again?

Not asking for your clearing…I could really care less. However, no starting scum has the ability to know a players group pairing and unless you think my 33% chance of correctly guessing Sam was luck…well, he’s K/O regardless of whether he’s Butler or NK/Assassin/Invoker. The basis for my push on him was to first see if he’s Prince so I didn’t out prince, but once I realized he’s not u felt it necessary to out him and myself.

Actually that’s wrong; I’d have to be either what I claim (Alchemist), Seeker or a fresh convert of Princess/Alchemist to know Sams class type.

Or you’re starting scum with Sam.

Possible, but that was a -hard- bus on my end if I’m his starting scum. To be honest, I don’t think he was in any great danger until my push.