[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

How the fuck

Isn’t Sam just NK or something?

I think the consensus was that Sam is NK or a very unfortunate Butler.

In no world in this game where you know what I could be could I ever be gs with anyone, even if I was attempted at conversion.

There’s 0 associations from what I remember. He had 0 associations


Hey I love hammers. Gimme.

0 associations doesn’t automatically mean NK.


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What’s our plan if Sam flips Butler?

Also, do they have to be alive at EoD to poison king?

Jake, if you don’t want to lynch Sam, who would you rather lynch?

It doesn’t.
But it sure looks alluring.

Also protectives off me tonight

The King. If sam is truly scum, then only if they are the convert does the king die tonight. In no other way will the king die unless another unannounced butler kills them.

Jake, quick question, do you think it’s Unseen or Cult game?

Cult, probably as there’s only 1 kill.

Actually protectives on me I got a Hunter’s mark to make

Actually no just let me die kappa protect someone else

i’d prefer an obs watch if i could get one to avoid scum occers(or redirectors, etc etc etc)

Idk if any more exist, but if they do, then yeah that would be a good target NGL

Do you want protection or not? :thinking: