[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Explain this

I changed my read on arete.

suddenly, we are a pair

Marshal did a LRT and 180’d on Arête. This could easily be them giving a reason for why their scumbud is town.

No marshal tow

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my brain hurts and i’m not even hungover

thanks jake

On one hand, soft.

On the other hand, Jakes posts this past hour.

My head also hurts.

Marshal did a LRT, therefore town? He’s literally used a LRT to town read his scumbuds before.

I assume LRT = lolreactiontest?

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i mean marshal is self resolving so

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Okay but he’s town

i really don’t care tbh

I think Marshal is like…

85% Noble
14% Scorned
1% Aristocrat

Maybe even more in favor of Noble, tbh.

My only scum read atm is arete

you know who’d be a great jail target?

someone from


to get a claim and figure out a slot that’s not easy to figure out!

me town means arete town.

Oh I mean I guess Sam too

No it dosent

In that minuscule universe where Marshal is an Aristocrat, I’d consider Arete to be pretty much lockscum.

But I doubt that’s the case.

Marshal, the Self-Resolving Aristocrat.