[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

if i wanted to insult people i would at least try to have them be witty and/or cut deep :slight_smile:

Jake, if you’re right at the end of the game I will personally write you a paragraph long apology. I really don’t think it’s the case.

With that said, we should probably ease down on him. Nicer words please. He’s thinking about possibilities. We can’t fault him for that.

It’s 11 pm and I’m making typos left to right, but I’m sick and tired of people starting arguments. Kai, Jake, Derps, and everyone else that has used direct insults, this goes for you

Squid stop mindmelding with me

You said my read was dumb because Marshal cannot be converted because reasons. All the reason I heard was “No scum would convert Marshal”
Lovely thing called WIFOM. Marshal is riding on the success on that.

When did I use direct insults other can calling him a hypocrite

you aren’t a fucking messiah so come down into the mud with the rest of the peasants

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Jake, I know it sounds like everyone’s wrong in your ears, but can you please try to open your mind and figure out why people think Marshal isn’t scum?

Well Squid, why isn’t Marshal scum? Qhy shouldn’t marshal die tonight?

This might not be an insult towards him specifically, but it’s an insult to something he said

So I can’t call a read dumb lmao

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If you’re actually town here

Think why I in particular, as opposed to anyone else here might be scumreading you

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I’m pretty sure he can be confirmed via bounty tomorrow which Aristocrat can’t do. Now please answer my question instead of dodging it

(Aristo can bounty)

Aristocrats can Bounty?

They can? Since when?

give it a 50/50 chance at unseen or cult.

50/50 chance that i can 100% confirm myself tommorow.

now, give it a… twenty percent chance(waaaaaaay higher than the real chances) that i am converted aristo or on unseen with aristo.

thats a 10% chance that i’m scum who can bounty

thats still… a ten

I’m allowed to post the class card from the class card thread right?

If not, it’s a day ability for them. Not sure when it was added this is my first FoL game :eyes:

they can. and it’s a day abil

get wine
stay in bed

tough choices