[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

How… Did you miss that?

it happened right before hammer


Otherwise, please feel free to continue talking in this day phase. Day 2 will end at either 2019-11-22T09:11:00Z or when a player gets hammered, whichever comes first.

squid or derps one of you nerds hammer pwease

I thought Luxy stole my hammer. Marshals fake vote got me good :frowning:

I’m vaguely concerned about Jake’s and Wazza’s votes but if Wazza is EK he doesn’t know his allies, and I’m TRing the rest of the wagon to greater or lesser extents

haha nerd


One of you nerds please make my suffering end.

Im going to chose my flavor of ice cream based on sam’s flip(chocolate for NK, vanilla for BD, Caramel cone for neut, butter pecan for groupscum)

Right, so. If marshal isn’t bullshitting us, then I guess I’m wrong about them being group scum, unless a hunter wants to claim it.

and i need my goddamned icecream.

Inb4 they just don’t flip

nope i got yeeted by groupscum.

i dont want healers on me today though.

poss can heal me i think

Do healers get feedback on healing bleeds?

no they do not

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No feedback for healers basically ever


even chrono

which is dumb and unbalanced

but yeah


neeeeeeeerds pwase hammer

Wait chrono doesn’t even get to know when they can transfer deaths?

That’s awful what the hell


goddamnit jake please just work with me here