[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

eyy i was right about luxy

/vote jake

jake bad

i bountied jake.

I think jake is scum, sp i doubt it pops, but lynch this

One person I believe who also contributed on Sam17z’s wagon being suspicious af is no other than Katze.


Body unclear

Ah yes
He has come to the same conclusion as I

because jake bad

Have you read his softs like at all

Isnt Jake blatant town pr lol

Anyone else on the wagon is town, except for Luxy and Katze.

I consider him being jailed and executed.

I swear if you fucking counties jake

I have.

He isn’t prince. i’ve figured that much out.

Um… from what he was softing earlier, that’s a pretty bad idea, chief

he ain’t prince.

Prince fakes bounty to get lynch on scumread

actually it’s pretty mechanical

What do you mean he isn’t Prince? He was softing really hard yesterday

Marshal are you throwing

/vote Katze

I am leaving this vote here.

/vote Arete