[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Again…they pretty much know who is town and who isn’t. Giving your greencheck only allows US, the uninformed majority, key down OTHER targets IF we believe you. If we don’t, then it could lead to your scumbuds.

No shit they know who town is, town dosent so they don’t target people in the PoE because they can myslynch them

Just out the check.

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It’s better for town not to out it unless their going to be lynched.

I actually just re-read Alex and I think there’s a decent chance they’re scum – if we’re going for the ‘TK on confirmed scum’ plan they’d be a decent lynch today. I’ve got a couple reasons for this:

First, they’ve been going highly UTR and not really doing anything. I looked through their Iso and this is the extent of their content posts:

They’ve provided very little content whatsoever. While that in and of itself isn’t enough to automatically mean they’re scum, it does point to them trying to go under-the-radar (which is part of why I wanted them checked/bountied – it could just be that they’re new).

This in particularly really pinged me. They had Sam down as a strong scumlean (their strongest as far as I can tell), but never actually voted Sam. As scum they would have had TMI that it was a mislynch wagon and likely been hesitant to vote it – it’s common for newbie scum to not want to vote townies because they’re worried that it’ll look bad if they vote someone and they flip town. (Example: me in EFoL 3 :eyes:)

Vulgard in particular was scumreading them heavily in Royal Chat; at the time I said there was a good chance of them just being new, but with everyone else acting pretty townie or being basically confscum at this point, I’m less sure.

The other thing I noticed is that despite this lack of content, almost no one is seriously considering them for a lynch. I don’t think they’ve been voted at any point (I could be wrong here), which means that for whatever reason, scum is choosing not to push them. This is basically the same technique I used for reading Jake, who is close to confscum at this point – very easy push, not getting pushed by anyone. (For an example of this in another game, see Dat in Mafia Academy).

I’m still wary of any plan besides ‘lynch scum when scum is found,’ but if we don’t want to lynch Jake (despite the bounty as a failsafe), I think Alex is a good target.

What scum do you think Alex is

Depends on if it’s Unseen or Cult game

Give me assuming both

I think I’d still go JGoes over Alex, but perhaps we can do a JGoes jailexe and Alex lynch.

Either way works, but there’s proof Jgoes is more likely scum mechanically than Alex who is based scum on read.

Reads > mechanics

i think jgoes could be the NK here.

That sounds awfully like a plan that doesn’t involve lynching or jailexeing Jake

If it’s Unseen game more likely MM

If it’s Cult game more likely second starting Cult

This is based on the thing where Jake was debbed to the nightkill

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Were really just gonna let scum lead the thread?

Why exactly the NK?

they were occd last night and 1 kill.

Who is either Sorcerer or Reaper since he’s not immune to occupy?

If Luxy used Carnage that also disabled passives however when Jgoes is NK and not either Sorc/Reap and Carnage used, then it doesn’t add up.

Almost all NKs are occupy immune

Also w.r.t. Frost’s point I could be wrong but I don’t think Carnage would make the NK non-occ-immune

If both scum attacked Luxy then he’s not the prime suspect…

I have asked that question on PM just to be sure, no answer so far.