[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I suck at reactiontests lol, after this game I’m gonna need some lessons Marshal


Someone who isn’t exactly doing their best to look trustworthy, to be fair.


Jgoes is NK

We’re basically stopping all scum kills.

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the person who claimed a greencheck on you is 98% scum


Either way, you’re panicking so much that scum is out to kill you, it’s just alchemist that will kill themselves.

Grow up man.

i think i’ve had only ever had one good reactiontest ever and it was this game.

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If we lynched SDA and he flips BD, it’d make Alex look a lot better.:thinking:

Shut up scum

Actually, wasn’t that I used countdown reaction test on you and succeeded? Although I just let it slide back then.

A huge mistake, Syndicate suuuuuucks.

nvm, SDA can’t be scum with this defense

On the other hand if I’m right about the scumteam then I think it’s more likely Derps is the convert and Alex is starting

A Mastermind greenchecking their convert would be a really bad play while a convert greenchecking their Mastermind is fiiine

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Big brain time, holy shiet!

well no it’s just because i’m always confident as scum and also have an eye for spotting reactiontest

Yup, guess ill bomb someone else. :thinking:

ffs, let’s do this.

In a few minutes I’m going to search through the topic to find all of my missing claims, this will take me some time, so I probably won’t reply.

Town finally being smart?

If we think Jgoes is the NK I can HH him potentially, since HH bypasses immunity, although in that case I’m obviously then not HHing Derps

I think groupscum is a priority for us over the NK at the moment, I worked it out with math last night in royal chat (although a neut died which makes it more complicated)

Yup, can’t disagree with this logic. [quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:3210, topic:79435, full:true”]
Shut up scum
Also glad you realized my alignment after double down on me being convert.

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You can’t ask that when you aren’t a claimer.