[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Yes, I as the NK, push a random townie who I pushed yesterday. Brilliant logic there.

Although, I will say. Lynch Alex here.

I am so close to grand trialing them.

I thought you thought I was MM :thinking:

…Yeah, uh, what in that message at all says you aren’t MM?

You missed some votes. I votes for Marshal

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I mean, Marshal just so happens to put their “bounty” on me, therefore they can’t prove jack shit.

Feel free to update in next post, I searched the whole 5 hours content of constant bickering.

I might’ve misinterpreted it, but I understood it as “Don’t CS Marshal”

Unless you got lynched and day proceed as normal.

It would prove not jack shit.

i’d rather bounty scum than town here.

i’d rather bounty never pops and we lynch scum than bounty pops

If you’re actually town that is.

He is because obviously your team has knowledge that he is. If you defend him to scum, you look like you’re “defending your MM” but nobody is gonna take that bait.

It only flips if I were actually a Blue Dragon

If I’m actual town, then I would be gamethrowing.

On serious note though, I am mechanically cleared not scum in two nights in row.

No, I meant can you don’t lynch Marshal.

If you are Knight, feel free to CS him, but that’s the thing, I doubt you are and I want you dead.

I mean if you got lynched and day allows second trial, then it proves Marshal not as scum killer or converter.


jake is open claiming neutral killer.

so my bounty wouldn’t activate