[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Accused Voters Votes
JgoesGaming Frostwolf103, Possessed 2/7
AlexejheroYTB WazzaAzza, Marshal 2/7
SirDerpsALot Arete 1/7
Marshal AlexejheroYTB, JaketheWolfie 2/7
Arete SirDerpsALot 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players Jgoesgaming, Shurian, PoisonedSquid, Katze, Kai_5 5/13

Both did not fail N1, as one of us LITERALLY DIED N1.

I will literally Grand Trial Alex in 2 minutes if no one votes them.

i mean n2


Oh boy, that is actually rich for Marshal to prove himself if the day gives them second trial.

@SirDerpsAlot Why did you wisp Alexej again?

Hold your horses 65% GK, let me read.

You know, If I somehow am not jailed and I live, I want Arete to redirect me into you so I can CS your head off of your shoulders.

And make readlist for good meassure, we believe in you, Hero!


Better question is why would he out that and not fake it instead.

that’s not possible



Nah, I’m either dying or CSing the King. They are a bad king

They were in PoE

Can’t deb to the King, in NFoL 4 there was a moderror

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There are 3 knight claims. I doubt that there are really 3 knights. Between @Ami and @JakeTheWolfie, I trust @JakeTheWolfie more. Thus, I’m CS’ing @Ami tonight.

ok boomer

risky CS<<<<protecting lock town

Please do not heal/defend them.