[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

In any case, with all due respect, I’m probably not going to be super trusting of your claimed targets

you have no reason to lie but you also have no reason to tell the truth

This is still a really broad question

Can you maybe ask multiple more specific questions? I think I could give you more useful advice

Also since it’s an unseen game (fuck you, I’m NK), you’re either missing a kill or you have a hit on Luxy.

Unless I was somewhat occupied

My N1 should stand

I have no reason to be on the forums

How do I play as town

I’m gonna laugh if the Unseen actually went for a hit on Luxy twice LOL

Is this question ‘how do I make reads’ or is it broader than that

How to townplay

Approximately how long of an answer are you looking for

I honestly have little to no idea how to play as town, which is evident as the only good games I had are scum games (Mafia Academy is an outlier here)

I mean, if they did them they’re super dumb.

Its never about how good you play as town kappa
I personally just see what info I have and then run it from there

If im wrong well rinse and repeat I suppose


so as town, in general, you have a few jobs

One job is to find town, i.e., figure out who the other people who are town are and townread them. This is more complicated in FoL because conversion is a thing but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it at all. This allows you to make a PoE and narrow it down from there.

Another job you have is to find Mafia. This allows you to lynch Mafia.

The above two points are effectively ‘read people’

The third job you have is to allow other people to find you as town. Getting mislynched as town is nearly always anti-wincon; beyond that, townies benefit from having people they feel they can trust, if they can actually trust them. Obviously that doesn’t mean that you make yourself overly concerned with appearances (which is likely to backfire), but it does mean you shouldn’t be overtly scummy and uncooperative for no reason

those are really the main things, anything else is pretty much secondary

let me know if you want elaboration on any of those

another strategy is to nearly mislynch everybody and ruin the game and then re-evaluate with a dumb reactiontest d2 and then carry

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another strategy is to put half the scumteam into your towncore on D1, soulread the answer to a fake redcheck on a townie on D4, and then misclear the last scum on the grounds that they’re confirmed neut even though their associations are terrible

another strategy is to get jailed N1 and accuse the Prince of openwolving

i like jail and exeing the knight n1

in fairness he kind of had it coming

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