[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Theres only ONE other knight claim.

Why? How does that benefit them?

You have gone under the radar way too long, Alexej.

Makes it even easier to myskynch me


Technically Jake says he’s Knight but then just gave up and said he’s NK.

Define under the radar

I’ve been talking only when I was needed to

So you don’t have to contribute to the town? See, that’s the problem I’ll be blunt.

They don’t need to mislynch you, Possessed is bombing you anyway, and you haven’t said anything that would change that.

Anyhow, its either a hang of Alex or JGoes. I’m not sold on JGoes either to be frank.

I shared my initial read list.

If I’m town and poss isn’t converted he just kills himself lol

What about now? I think most claimed, Alexej.

That’s quite the if.

Oh, you’re right. That’s the only thing you’ve said that makes any sense though.

Well, I could go ahead and spend 4 hours searching through ISOs, but no matter what I say, I’ll probably be lynched and my list will probably be ignored.

That wording hurts me lol

Sorry if it did, that wasn’t my intention.

Me as future king allow fair defense, do it.

Don’t steal words from other people’s mouths please.