[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

how is that enough to say “he isn’t confident”

I’m not saying you’re scum I’m saying that I can’t yet find you as town and I’ve gotten pretty decent at doing so

i have 20 fucking posts

excuse me

you also have activity tells

i’m sorry i’m busy most of my day with work

I’m not saying that you’re scum I’m saying that thus far I’ve failed to find you as town

there’s a difference

Hey Goys

Do you wanan play FORUM MAFIA?

no thanks

i’ve sorted my class already so i’m going to get back to work

ta ta~

I kindve don’t like this from you. I think you are using d1 as an excuse for not pushing / being active. While that may partially be true, one can use d1 to provoke someone and eventually get a good idea for their night action

Understandable, yet try to maximize the quality of your available time by making your posts very insightful into your thoughts

Also I believe d1 scums plant the seed for their actions for d2. So by you “making your positions clear” maybe setting the foundation for a munch on a bd

@Possessed I want to hear more from you. There is enough content to know at least one read. All I want is 1. But that 1 needs to be filled with explanations to justify your thinking or else I could fake read people and say it’s d1

@Arete where did you go fool? All your activity has mellowed out?


I’m still here

Do you want my take on anyone in particular or thoughts in general?

But I am pushing?

You just contradicted yourself. Am I setting up a mislynch for tomorrow or am I using day 1 as an excuse not to push

Shadethrowing Arete

What about this post seems like self-meta to you?

That’s the only explanation you provided, and that’s not self-meta. This just seems like more shade to me, so please explain.

Which of Vulgard’s posts do you think are agenda, and how do they differ from Vulgard’s reads in their town games?

As far as I know, effort is NAI for Arete.

Marshal is currently a scumlean for me.

Vulgard and Frost are both townleans for me, I’ll explain those d2 because I probably won’t be online before EoD.

Okay, whose openings do you think were most scummy?

Any reads yet?

That’s unfortunately all I have time for today. I hope there will be more content D2.

Yeah kindve realized. In context. I didn’t really see your point in context on the first post, but then read the context and made more sense

There is people here get to work as before