[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I got conduited with someone. And I’m waiting for that someone to come up (no its not Vulgard, poor fellow’s still sleeping).

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Yeah, apparently King added Luxy, Arete and Vulgard to Royal Chat last night. If Vulgard claimed there, hed be a target if one of Luxy/Arete was groupscum.

Did the person you got conduited with claim perchance?

Vulgard wasnt a target

Lets just leave it at that

And yes, they claimed, and they claimed Princess looking at Kai.

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Oh boy, I think I know where you’re going with that lmao

He was most definitely swapped cum got redirected to.


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If he was redirected, we should have the killer.

Also, I do have several questions on the person who was with me in Conduit chat. But I wanna see more before acting later.

No Vul I wanted to become hydra with you why’d you leave me

We shall discuss the one missing kill.

Why was there one missing kill?

  1. ScumKiller Occupied.
  2. Cult Game
  3. NK Occupied.
  4. Both them kill same person.

That leaves the question. Why kill Vulgard?

Or even better, why was there no kill last night?

Well the swap/redirection I suppose explains Vulgard kill. Swap target could also give information if we did in why the swap target was targetted.

Wait. Are there swap classes in FoL?

Iirc Court Wizard and the new class Tavernkeeper are the swappers
Could be mistaken

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Tavern Keeper, yes. I saw that when looking at the new classes (haven’t been in since new classes enacted).

There are scum swappers too iirc
Their converts should have the same swap effects…

I doubt I’ll find anything new from Arete…

@Luxy Come, you’re now in the discussion zone

Just to let us know what happened in chat


What did you guys happen to discuss? Minus your class info of course. General gist so to speak

Shurian the fuck

@Wazza y u evil kang? Why did you invite Arete to royal chat??

I am looking at Vulgard’s logs and with 1 night kill, it’s not nigh impossible that Arete being jailed can be still Assassin/Cult Leader or Sorcerer, heck he could be MM as well.

I am not interested in what he claimed to Prince or Royal Chat, but why SDA is ignored when he asks audience with him. Which I kinda suspect Wazza for bit.

This is interesting take on him D1, I wonder if he killed Vulgard or at least visited him?

What is your conclussion now day 2 is started? I know you made readlist but I don’t suppose you have changed a bit?

He’s dead now :eyes:

I am tempted to rp king arthur of camelot

Good point about @AlexejheroYTB, you’re in world of pain today, man :eyes:

I read most of them last night. Mostly spam and speculations based off of not much.

Oh you’re here. Also no, it may be fluff posts but without insight you won’t able to grasp what they are saying.