[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!




Producing content is NAI for me shurian :^)

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shoot arete for free town cred @kaights


Popcorning the RQS over to you

Ask a question for the thread to answer (ideally game-related)

Arete is scum confirmed
He took my popcorn for himself

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Do you think it’s a Cult game or an Unseen game?

objection, this is a leading question your honor

Thou shall reveal thou thoughts on the state of game


Your honor, leading questions are allowed on cross-examination

Im guessing unseen.

also for random geusses of randomity

King: Wazza - GK
Scum1: Arete - Assa
Scum2: Alexej - MM
NK: Derps - Sorc
Neut1: Sam - Warlock
Neut2: Kai - INQ

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normald1 start

Time to build a wall, you aint going near the king

seems as if i’m not Spanish

anyways imma go back to getting drunk as that was the plan before i got distracted by looking for hairpins

In b4 Im actually
“Skedaddle skedoodle ur dick is now a noodle”

You think I have questions?

Ideally? Well, I did already ask peoples opinion on fluff (to which only you responded) so I don’t really know what else to ask. I will, however, give Shurian the popcorn. shu shu @Shurian

(I also gotta do some laundry so brb)

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me to any guy