[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

If there are any protectives running around I actually think Kai would be a pretty good target

Based on the greencheck + the discussion about him in royal chat yesterday I’m pretty confident in him being BD, and it’s common for evils to attack Knight claims if they don’t expect to be able to mislynch them or redirect them into BD

basically what I’m saying is that protectives should strongly consider targeting him tonight

nerds we have the plan of

Sam poisiones Wazzanerd
Prince jails, but does not execute, Sam

We lynch someone(not me)
I bounty someone else and we lynch them

If sam is scum, jailexe sam

If my bounty hits scum, good. If not, im conf.

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actually also just realized aristo has bounty so i won’t be confirmed non-convert(unless cultgame), but let’s be real, who TF converts me.

Time to take time off
I just had a heart attack
Because I thought I left my laptop in the bus
And then I realised I left my laptop at home

current unofficial VC, not formatted nicely (sorry Maxwell, I acknowledge this goes against your explicit request) because I don’t know how to make the pretty ones

Arete - Derps (1/8)
Sam - Kai, Marshal, Arete, Shurian (4/8)
Wazza - Jake, Sam (2/8)

I’ll vote Sam if someone else can be held accountable for it.


Well I don’t want to vote Sam, but they’re the top wagon. But then again, Scum wagoning.

Do you think Sam is scum?

Separately, do you think he’s being pushed by scum?

I’m trying to follow your thought process here


Sam is to be jailed tonight

Ngl I don’t trust Marshal’s claim at all you don’t just decide not to bounty

@Arete what changed your mind

This backflip concerns me this is a noble who just ‘decided not to bounty’

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No, I was going to bounty arete, but was pretty sure arete would be jailed, and opted not to.

I didn’t trust my reads enough to go for the bounty on someone else. The other option would have been vulgard.

You see how that would have worked out.

I went for the gossip instead


This is a cop out

Sam existed, Jake existed not one of these people were in the PoE for you at all?

If i decided to bounty someone who was not arete(as arete was jailed and i could guess that), i would have chosen vulgard, which would be wasted because dead and town.

not enough for me to make the call to bounty them(as i didn’t really know how much they were read, and i didn’t want to bounty someone, making them the obv lynch, when there would be a better lynch.

I also didn’t expect to be megascumread d2 and having to claim.

How would you know that Vulgard who have died tho

Wait hang on, is that a scumslip?