[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Fake Claims Neut as Neut, 101000ia play

Are you claiming neut or am I just dumb

No not neut but fuck i cant think rn

Imma come back like just b4 eod

Maybe that’ll gimme head clear by having a good night of sleep

Okay, I think I’ve read enough for now. Laundry is done, I am a free kat. Until I sleep soon.

I know I don’t have the popcorn, but I do have a question for you, Arete. What kind of meaningful content can really happen on D1?

With no D1 lynch, I mean.

Actually a lot of meaningful content, but it has to start somewhere

uh you said you were reading through old games, right? Read exactly D1 of FoL 22, there was a ton of meaningful content there

It’s also important for building up interactions later – we were able to catch Baz because Alice and Baz’s attitudes towards each other shifted completely between D1 and D2

I smell… a bit of self-meta

Where do you see self-meta

I have an irking feeling you are trying to copy your fol22 performance.

Just got done skimming through FoL 23, so 22 is next on the list.

I’ll probably get through that later. Don’t wanna stress my poor little brain before I sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

But that makes sense to me.

That is not a correct feeling

For starters, in FoL 22 I entered the thread with like a 500-word wallpost that was correct and no one listened

As we all know, wallposts = locktown.

Arete has failed to deliver on the wallpost front…

/vote arete BOOM BYE SCUM

I know there’s no D1 lynch, but can we please try to keep things on-topic? I dont want to have to read through 200 messages every time I check the forum

No you are not, host did >:)

I check when I come back, so don’t cry tears for me while just yet

I don’t think I’ve seen you around before, new person, mind telling us about your experience with forum mafia-type-games?

Like, this is legitimately a weird take to me because I’m actively trying in many ways to play differently from my previous games because I’m testing out a couple of new ways to read people

so I actually don’t know where this is coming from

this isn’t supposed to be like FoL 22

Goodnight everyone

@the forum please stop yelling at me for posting too much