[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Marshal rn


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I have a solid 3 hours of homework due in approxametely 7 hours.

And here i be, playing forum mafia.

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Also, I know we have some ToL people here but just in case you guys aren’t aware, claiming early in FoL is generally anti-BD, it’s the opposite of ToL

Im chrono

Also if you’re an invest and have a lead on someone, including an outright redcheck, you generally shouldn’t out it right away, you should push them for other reasons and see how everyone else reacts

replies to me

This feels targeted :eyes:

It was

Look I’m trying to come up with things to say that aren’t memes, and we don’t have a D1 lynch so I can’t vote-science you

I’m gonna try something new.

Only speaking to people in office memes for the next 3 hours.

I’m hurt. :frowning:

I do thank you for the input, but I do plan on spending a lot of time looking at past FoL games! So hopefully I can catch up to how this game is played to an extent, and work from there!

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Okay heres the plan
Katze will target Arete,
Arete will target me
I’ll target Marshal
Marshal can target Katze

Yes sounds like good night plan



Random Questioning Stage time

if you have played a game of forum mafia before, discuss how you’re going to apply lessons from your most recent completed game to this one (this includes if you did something well in that game, to be clear!)

if you have not played a game of forum mafia before, talk about how you intend to approach this game

Be harder on my reads
But right now, I cant. I have 0. Reading part of Shuri aint working rn.

This is probably the first and last time SoD will coincide with actual start of day for me.

I’ll probably less active because I have to go to an info evening after school today, but I’ll try my best.

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Okay i’ve decided i don’t want to speak in only office memes.

That’s probably for the better. Well, for us at least, maybe not for you.

My last player-game was wow:bfa.

I had to carry scum agenda and got burned for it into an eventual scum loss. So I’m gonna be agenda-hunting.

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also @katze favorite flavor of kool aid?

My most recent game was a hydra game on MU, scum played … questionably … and it wound up being a D2 town win despite starting with 3 Mafia

I did a good job of noticing a specific scum-indicative thing that related to the threadstate surrounding a member of the scumteam, so I’m going to pay attention to that tell (I’m not outing what that tell is because I don’t want to give the scumteam ideas of what I’ll be looking for)

On the other hand, I focused too much on that specific wolf and failed to notice how obviously wolfy the wolf that ended up getting lynched D1 was; even when I’m confident I’m right I’m going to pay more attention to who the other wolves could plausibly be

Well, I’ve played two. Mafia Academy and Grand Idea, and the main thing I want to apply here is comfort. I was super scared of existing in both of those games for a majority of them. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen again. I’m confident in my reads, but my reads aren’t that great. So I hope to improve that here.

How do people respond to fluff in FoL? :eyes:

I don’t remember the last time I’ve drank Kool Aid.