[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!


I’m gonna bully u then

Alright literally everyone I’ve ever known.

That’s actually an interesting idea, have some townpoints for suggesting it

Of course I do.

I’m not the King though so I won’t decide strategy. Also inviting me is bad because my early reads are bad.

So many unnecessary explanations and commentary of everything katze is doing. Early defensiveness too.

Katze may or may not be a wolf. The majority of their ISO right now consists of them talking about themselves, the next person is Arete. So basically katze has only engaged with Arete in any meaningful way (and Arete was the one doing the engaging, mostly).

This is a super early read but I don’t like this slot.


Bro, not even I’ll decide strategy.

Not really. What I’m trying to say is that it could still be V, but I’m leaning W. I think I expressed that poorly.

Fun fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Derps call anybody out on this before, correctly or not.
looks at my NK theory

Me: tries to make getting better

Vul: Scum

Tries to make getting better what the fuck phone

Why do I wake up to wallposts against me so often

167 unviewed messages, I’m mostly satisfied with that

Fluffposts or not fluffposts, they talk about themselves ALL THE TIME. As if they are overly concerned about their position. Why is this slot not focusing on other players, just on their own actions?

This interaction with Marshal is just baffling and if it’s wolf theater, I’m going to laugh.

Why is this even necessary?

Keeps talking about themselves, then asks Arete a question with no followup.

So did the question help solve Arete’s alignment or was it asked for no reason? Katze does not even refer to the question here or try to prod further. As if they gave up on reading Arete for some indiscernible reason.

I don’t think katze is trying to solve Marshal’s alignment here. I don’t see the point of these interactions. There might be TMI involved.

I can sense the confbias coming my way, and I know I mislynched katze before, but this really looks bad to me.

I agree with derps here as I smell some agenda from vul.

And tryharding from arete

I could look up the amount of “I” used in katze’s posts for funsies, but come on.
Katze, if you’re V, start trying to solve alignments please. Or at least gather information. Provoke reactions. Etc.

Caution is good, talking about yourself in every post is not good. It’s not helpful. You don’t need to justify every single thing you do, including leaving the thread.


I swear Derps is king

Gonna be honest vul that read is kinda dumb

Nvm its Waz