[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!


Wazza died because Sam.

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does that disable royal blood for everyone? If so there was no moderror after all but then it would still be impossible for a non-unseen to become king as it would be 6v6 or 3v3 at best

That punishment was removed iirc.

Also, no king was also possible if all 3 BD voted Kai, not that it would matter.

Royal Blood being disabled is only for a GK getting lynched

Arete’s death wouldn’t have disabled royal blood.

i believe the game was still winnable for BD but parity is parity

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Also I was converted to the Alcoholic, an Unseen class with royal blood

The punishment was only if the king got lynched. In any case, there was no way to remove just arete’s royal blood and not kai’s so no way a non-unseen could have become king.

Not electing kai d3 was a moderror; im sorry as I said. but I had to roll with what happened.

You couldn’t take back majority, we would never fail the convert the next night unless we no-actioned.

I think it’s possible it was technically winnable if BD both played perfectly and won the plurality rand for the lynch but it’s not like we can un-call the game

Even if no one was lynched, all BD killers and healers were dead, meaning you n4 to bleed and even if you execute the assassin, unseen are at parity again.

oh yes the rand. I forgot that was a thing. apologies

don’t go for parity in a fol, that’s not a thing here

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No, we’d have numbers the next night because we could convert.

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I didn’t end the game because of parity. I ended it because i found it unwinnable for bd.

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You can possibly still lynch the assassin and then execute the MM, lynch the next MM?

In any case BD only wins here if all BD vote Derps or Kai and tie the vote, and if any BD look like they might be voting Kai then we just vote him and win

its winnable for bd in the 1 in a billion scenario

that level of probability to me is enough to call it

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How many BD were left?