[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Robbed our means to win right here.

I mean the NK missed their N1 kill and the Assassin missed the N2 kill

We still managed :eyes:

Contemplating Marshal Ale

Also me:
Something is terribly wrong. I know it but something is terribly wrong


How do you do that Time signature thing?

I don’t think there’s a button for it on moble

Nevermind, @Magnus already told me.

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On desktop, there’s this calendar button image
Click it and you can set the time to appear in whatever time zone each person is in
like this is right now: 2019-11-26T01:15:00Z

It’s there.

Now wait a minute, are you saying that Marshal couldn’t be converted N1 because of Shurian’s Swap with Vulgard and Marshal since Katze targeted Vulgard and Jake tried to attack Marshal right?

What am I missing

Ah basically, Wazza used Swear Fealty on Vulgard that targeted Marshal instead.

@Geyde What is the priority of converting and applying swear fealty? Do converting go first or swear fealty?

MM and King are both redirection immune. We targeted Marshal for a kill and Vulgard for a convert. Shurian swapped Marshal and Vulgard. Because of this we tried to convert Vulgard but also attacked them. King made Vulgard conversion immune.


Swear Fealty happens first.

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So not far off being wrong, still in area of being correct that scum would try to convert Vulgard.

Sad face

Happy Face

WAIT WAIT, Who are the two targets for 2for1 aside Squid? Me? Jgoes would have died.

At least that’s what Squid told on thread post-defeat, he guarded me?

Squid and Shurian

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We targeted Squid and Shurian with that 2-For-1.

So Alchemist won’t able to kill the target before they commit suicide?

If Alchemist attacks BD, their attacks cancels and they die. If Alchemist attacks Non-BD, the attack doesn’t cancel and they don’t die.