[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

So hold up.

What exactly is the goal of grand trial here.

Testing Zone.

Told ya things will go lively while certain person form Netherrlands arive and that he will “100%, well maybe 90% sure put someone on trial”.

Oh, so you’re saying that post was still part of the test?

I may be Dutch but that made no relevance of the question I asked.

Whole night chat was a test.

We needed him to believe it.
And I needed him to carry this believement into today.

As I said - BD king would pretend he is evil in that situation to not be killed at night after all.

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid 1/9
Pardon SirDerpsAlot 1/9
Not Voting Marshal, Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, eevee, Nuclear_Rehab, Jgoesgaming, Zone_Q11 :crown:

It is relevant.

Would evil king GT scuclaim from his night chat?
Would good king do it?

Actions speak louder than words.

I was waiting for Zone to take an action.

Did I know I will be trialed today? 90% yes. As I said it before.

That… makes sense. The test wouldn’t work if Zone realised it today.

/Vote Pardon

I mean that timezones has no relevance for the reason you are on grand trial, there has to be purpose behind that.

Any person can put action on specific time or hosts were not awake when Zone made his action.

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid 1/9
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming 2/9
Not Voting Marshal, Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, eevee, Nuclear_Rehab,= Zone_Q11 :crown:

/vote execute

goodbye inq/assa/mm/whoever the fuck this is

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid, Marshal 2/9
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming 2/9
Not Voting Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, eevee, Nuclear_Rehab, Zone_Q11 :crown:

Let’s get back to the logic tho.


  1. Either there is drunk able to confirm they redirected Derps on me.
    Which frankly probably doesn’t exist, considering how Derps believed all that.
    That would make us both Unseen.

  2. It’s a cult game, which denies both Jgoes slip argument and Zone’s acusation about both of us being unseen.
    And tbh it denies all the main reason why I was brought up here, making it literally same trial as everybody’s else.

  3. Me and derps are not both starting scum.

Now, as for 3rd option.

We both pulled something interesting, to be exact - we confirmed king’s aligment and cooperated with each other on that fact.
This also documented in thread with Derps asking me when to out it and me trying to tell him to wait after Zone arrives.

Do you think people of 2 different aligments really understand each other intention like that?
Do you think both would have interest in performing this? Not really.

Outing king wouldn’t come from scum derps. Would the whole support provided come from scum eevee?
Possibly. Still is probably more town indicative for me.

That’s where logic takes it from my PoV.

It’s 2 votes for execution now. I sometimes forget to fix that too.

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And that’s where your discussion would take you if you carried it on to trying to agree if it’s cult or unseen, but you stopped it instead.

Yes, you was arugeing in my defense.
Both sides.


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I’m not sure what you are asking about btw.

To be exact, that test would end up in misslynching Zone most likely if it was revealed before they arrived.

He probably just doesn’t really that you meant Zone (who is from the Netherlands) was important for this gt. He seems to think it’s related to timezones.

*realize instead of really