[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

The day will end in approximately 29 hours, or earlier if majority is reached or eevee is executed on trial.

@Arete can you clarify both day end and GT end time

I just woke up and I was able to skim through the thread

No no no, I’m talking about if the person up for lynch is Prince, Sheriff, or a Paladin because we can’t afford to lynch those type of useful classes

Start of day was only 18 hours and 38 minutes ago.

I just need some clearing up. What is this whole Eevee Derps grand trial thing?

Okay so it looks like if we don’t slam pardon well have a few hours then

You’re gonna need to reread the past like 1-2 hundred messages uni

@Arete in the event of a tie between pard and exe what happenz

Should be pardon

Dude I got to leave in a few minutes for a family meet

The Grand Trial will end 24 hours from the start of voting, or earlier if a majority is reached for pardon or execution.

Because exe needs majority of votes

Wait, so this trial ends the day regardless of whether we pardon or execute?

Okay cool so we can afford to pardon with no no-lynch. Good news

AsK mEcHaNiCaL qUeStIoNs In YoUr ClAsScArd

No if we pardon day continue

Nvm, I misread.

Can someone explain this whole thing for me? Like a simple summary?

No you’re gonna need to take some time and reread uni