[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

So game throwing?

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…? What the heck are you even saying?

You are selfish.

A good king rely on accurate information to make judgement become sound.

Only when eevee flips scum. …rather, even if he flips town, my reaction would still be justifiable.

You just don’t understand, do you? Even if you report me for gamethrowing; even if I am unconsciously gamethrowing; I WILL STILL CONTINUE. This is my duty, and I will perform it until the end.

this post sums up good for the inq case on eevee

as for the MM case:

eevee, i think, had suspicions of EK already. If eevee and derps are on a team they defenitely discuss it.

Nowe derps claims he started the “test”. I think that derps and eevee were convinced of EK, derps then openwolfed in the chat and eevee just went with him because they thought he was EK.

their suspicions were confirmed, and they had a chat with who they thought was EK.

they decided, at no point, to say “hey, the king fucking admitted to being evil in our chat the whole night, do something about it”

now at this point they are outed, and chloe comes in and tries to save their scumbuddies. I can see derps asking to be bailed out and i don’t think eevee was in the thread.

i can’t see eevee as much on an NK or scumsided neutral, but eevee is veerry likely in the inq/mastermind pool.

Your point being? So what if I am a selfish king? You still have to work with me whether you like it or not.

I am only a Good King in name. Whether I am an actual good king or not matters not to me.

also has zone even voted to execute eevee? omegalul.

Yes I did.

Then this doesn’t explain why Derps is Assassin and attempt to kill Eevee involuntarily?

Are you saying the only night kills happens to be from purely BD while NK is jailed or Possessor controlled Derps into Eevee?

So again, where did you scumread Eevee for NOW?

He fakeclaimed?

More for what?

For proving that you don’t want to test my claims.

You just want to kill me no matter what.

Hm… both statements are true, but the reason why I want to kill you no matter what is not due to my grudge; it’s because you openwolfed to me in the Royal Chat.

…ugh. I keep repeating this fact. Can’t you just die already so we can see who’s right?

i don’t think derps visited eevee at all if derps is mafia. Derps and chloe are basically confirmed same faction.

im saying there’s an NK kill and an unseen kill, that either came from derps or some rando unseenie

So you wanted to kill me no mather what for past over 6 months due to me openwolfing in your royal chat?


Meta need to be stopped.

Zone is never gonna be talked out of it.

Believe me, I tried.