[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

On what basis? Unless Derps is MM I don’t see it happening for now.

Vote Count

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid, Zone_Q11 :crown: 2/8
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming, Chloe, Kyle20, Kai_5, Frostwolf103, Marshal 7/8
Not Voting Katze, Soulshade55r, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Nuclear_Rehab

It’s a lot of gut feeling.

I have a very bad feeling about letting eevee off on this one


You failed

Shurian also pardoned

With all our flying princesses surely one of them will find out the truth.

/pardon @JakeTheWolfie @Arete
When I was a VC Bot, I could at least try to grab the votes without a damned ping

I know where this ping the host for vote count origin come from.

My own game.

Vote Count

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid, Zone_Q11 :crown: 3/8
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming, Chloe, Kyle20, Kai_5, Frostwolf103, Marshal, Shurian 8/8
Not Voting Katze, Soulshade55r, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Nuclear_Rehab

Concurring with fellow mods on what to do, please wait.

Flip eevee, duh.

oh i came back at the perfect moment. pog

Game doesnt end. Lets move.

Eliminate Marshal. My quest for information must be sated.

I wanna see the royal chat for myself too >_> but then again I cant until game over.

eevee has been pardoned from Grand Trial, votimg proceeds normally with all votes reset

1 Like

Marshal ain’t convert or Assa

Maybe you should be King?

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Currently abstaining players Marshal, Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, SirDerpsALot, PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Eevee, Nuclear_Rehab, Jgoesgaming, Zone_Q11 16



/vote Uni

Well shit I should be king but no im not im just a lowly quack

He could very well be Assassin

Kai claims Marshal isn’t visited by Unseen, did he not?

@Ami Why Universal by the way?