[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Uni’s ISO
10% fluff
15% content when prodded
5% actual fucking content
50% whining
and 100% reason to lynch him

At this point it is 50% whining when I am legit being lynched for hyperfluff posting despite my trying to reveal reads on players since yesterday

I wouldn’t doubt if a good portion of your posts at this point is you accusing me of being mafia due to fluff posting

Crunches Harder

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its still on topic :^)

And so is 50% of my posts apparently according to your standards :smiley:

I dunno

Universal hasn’t given me any bad vibes yet

Hey, can you give me some of that popcorn too? I know I have reasons to scumread Uni besides the amount of fluffposting, but I already mentioned them

At this point what this game is telling me is that I must play conservative as a new player unless I wanna get lynched for trying to participate too much since it’ll look like fluff

Dear have some.

Passes Box of Popcorn

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why are you arguing semantics

no, this does http://i.imgur.com/7Bjolka.png


Thanks :popcorn:

A lot of the “fluff” posting is also in bulk. It’s a habit of mine to type sentences separately as posts instead of whole paragraphs. It can come off as spammy but I just got used to it. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if people took out a few posts out of context and displayed it as “Look he is posting these all at random times and not at the same time”

Because I am being accused of mafia under just unsteady foundations

*such not just I hate my phone’s auto correct

why is it not a valid case

Because apparently I am one game away from not being considered a “noob”. I am said of hyperfluffing despite me also trying to read players. And I am being singled out for fluffing despite many more people did it in the same time frame. Some doing it more so than others. At this point people are just joining the wagon cuz “He fluff and he is new so he is mafia”. Squid says he has other reasons but others just go on the same premise

I also love how people ignored how some were stating that I should reveal my class card when the whole thing began. At that point it concealed the fact that this whole thing was fishy af

amount of posts uni has made that are not game-related or serious.

i’ll give an X for every fluffpost. and a c for mechanical/acronym questions. Going until his 265th post(when this post was started)


125 fluffposts or mechanical/acronyms questions.
feel free to count for yourselves but this is what i have. that’s 47% not gamestate-advancing posts.

now im sure if you dod the same for me youd get something in the low 30% range but that’s my meta as town or scum and is nai

but universal fluffing 47 percent of his posts is defenitely fluffing

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