[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

What am I? Chopped Liver?
Am I really the only person that’s voting you not because of fluffposting?

Seriously, make some reads and flow them out like a giant water fountain

Hard to make reads when a thread is literally me and kai fighting over if he is justified enough in this push. Along with others voting me and trying to read me

Nope. That would’ve been something to behold though

Ignore them, literally nobody’s here to deny you from making reads right now, so there’s no reason you can’t do them now

Nah at this point if I get lynched it’ll just prove certain things I expected. If anything my lynching can potentially reveal scum

For what it’s worth I believe this to be genuine newbtown mislynch frustration

You know, I wasn’t going to vote you, but you literally said you are mafia rn (?)

Just to say you are gonna flip town in next sentence (?)

Wasn’t a scumslip eevee. Never said I was mafia explicitly. Just that I would get singled out as being mafia

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Like, my gut’s telling me this guy’s scum, but I feel like this is going to end badly since barely anyone is doing jack rn

Jeez time and time again. How many god damn times will people read too much into things I post

Honestly let’s just end this

Oh gee, now you know how I feel most of the time

If I claim I die correct?

There’s no anticlaim

What will get me killed?

Info lynch, really?

Chances are it’s too late to save you

Lynch. At least seems like it right now.

Aight everyone who hasn’t voted for me vote for me. Let see the flip to town