[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

He’s not contradicting anything you’re just being stupid

They are, and they’ll tell you that.

They are given as class names but Iv outed as a heathen

So it was class name after all.

It’s player names, but the Inq is only told the starting classes of those players, if that’s what you’re confused about.

So you honestly believe Alexej is fakeclaiming? I check they are not unique

Yes, I honestly believe Alexej is fakeclaiming.

Inquisitor would win in first three nights easy.

So let me get straight:

He knows the names of heathens, he is also given the names of the classes, then what is the point of Inquisitor being here for free win?

Call me stupid but I can see why you are contradicting.

He knows the starting classes of the three players who are his heathens, but not their names.

And derps outed on royal chat, I recall that.

But I don’t believe we should let Marshal kill Derps.

Free wins is pathetic.

I’m Neuts in, so I disagree.

I disagree to agree, it should be out.

Convert died so there is no reason to kill confirmed BD.

Well, guess you’ll have to convince 5 players that the Inquisitor is a better lynch than the obvious Assassin.

Scum can and will fakeclaim so they don’t get lynched.

Its only obvious because of PoE.

I have suggested an idea.

You’re saying… Marshal isn’t Inq…? that might just be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

Oh cool, the Assassin’s here too.