[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!



Cause like one pally claimed, and its from the king of rt

That’s an interesting… creature…

I say this loosely as @Meteoro was the king of rt. He just hasnt been around much. Miss ya bud

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No… I dont see anyone challenging Marshal, nor do I really see any form of passive contradictions.

Thus Marshal is correct and most likely a cult game.
The only thing he eliminated is the fact of TMI on Cult game. But then again, it helps hide any extra Paladins we may have.

I cc Marshal actually.

Now I agree, but Im just like what if hes wrong, thats what im concerned about. What if its just a distraction played off as a rt later, when he suddenly pulls out the greek word of reaction from one of his many messages. And its like all we have is his word. Word from someone who is known to lie and its like wth do we do

Wait, you believe Marshal is potentially lying or is the game itself lying?

I honestly cant find it in me to care about reaction tests or not

As long as it makes sense from my pov, it is acceptable

*potentially lying

this one

But doesn’t the game state it’s a cult game?

I thought you are joking about Marshal claiming, but now I found it in his ISO.

He is bullshiting.

He may have made an uneducated guess at the scum faction
Hmm interesting

No its 50 50 and the op says Mastermind/cult leader

@Marshal wanna explain urself?

Things just got spicier chonkier

Ohhhh. So it can be a mastermind type of thing or a cult type of thing

