[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

iirc every NK is bleed immune or has a way to survive bleeds

we could bleed out the assassin theoretically

there is literally no mechanical way that i am alive tommorow.

so lynching me is kinda a waste when i am out of towns hair tommorow anyways.

Look, plan is very simple. Napoleon is investigative BD. Napoleon is prime suspect for assassin. But when Nappy flips BD, BD is in a terrible spot.

Invests can do their thing safety if we axe Marshal and Kyle. We have a Drunk (I think, katze, right?), and plenty of other invests. As a primary suspect, I will probably be investigated and cleared by tomorrow (unless some neutral can change results).

If you are really convinced I’m assassin, a simple HH combined with 2 KPN should say otherwise.

Not to mention as well, but I didnt do any actions whatsoever, yet KPN remained at a steady 2.

It doesn’t matter if you think Nappy is likely assassin or Alexej is likely NK. Objectively, the play is lynch Marshal, jail exe Kyle, and let invests and Drunk figure out the rest. And Derps does live.

What if I no-actioned :eyes:

so if it is 2kpn tonight and you are occed, it is confirmed you are town right?

where did you get that from

ive softed like 5 classes, hardclaimed two, and none of those have been drunk

Wait so Katze you aren’t Hunter?

this is a scumslip tbh

if assasin is occed tongith

it will be… 2KPN

katze is hunter

Pretty much, especially claiming as Inquisitor who need to kill Derps the Chrono, objectively we need the Chrono for the next nights, we don’t need Inquisitor making GUARANTEED kill.

Oh it was because he said he softed like 5 classes and hardclaimed 2 I was like “Wait you aren’t Hunter?”

I dont count scum kills as KPN

do you really need derps for the next 2 nights?

if you are blue dragon you know that the two scum are alexej and napoleon

ive hardclaimed prince and retracted to hunter

for what its worth im pretty sure nappy is primarily a ToL player where HH is a self redirect

Aight I will protect Chrono then

What is HH and 2 KPN

we have 2 more protectives anyways.

lynching scum is more important then keeping the worst protective alive



from your Pov, alexej is the NK and nappy is the assassin