[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Im thanking god as I prolly woulda gamethrew badly DX


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ty for not jailing me when i was blatantly baiting in your favor

also if game doesnt end with an alex lynch then its EK obv

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shurian may i recieve one fire emblem picture/gif for when i detonate my sorcbomb tonight

/Vote Alex :hammer:

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Stop talking, that’s hammer


Final vote count

Votee Voted by Votes
AlexejheroYTB Universal, Chloe, Katze, Shurian, Jgoesgaming 5/5
Currently abstaining players AlexejheroYTB, eevee, Zone_Q11 3

AlexejheroYTB has been executed!

“Alex, are you sure you’re willing to do this?” The King stared at Alex, concern in his eyes. “I hate to condemn my own subject to death.”

Alex folded his hands over his heart. “I know, Your Majesty,” he said. “But I swore to protect this kingdom, and I will do so even at the cost of my own life.”

“I’m sorry,” said Chloe. “I wish that it could be some other way, but – I can’t change what I saw.”

“I know,” said Alex. “But if I must die to take the Lich with me, then so be it.” He started turning to each one of the members of the court in turn. “Universal, you were the one to take him down, and for this we all owe you.”

Universal patted his pet wolf. “But we owe you even more,” he said. “I was just defending my own life. You’re sacrificing yours.”

“Here, here,” echoed Katze. “I wish – I wish I could trade places with you right now.”

“But you can’t,” said Alex. “That parasite has attached itself to me, not to any of you.”

Prince Shurian stared at his hands. He had felt – off – lately, as if something was draining his life from his body, and the feeling had only intensified when the Lich’s skeleton had been found. He shook his head. It probably wasn’t worth mentioning. “We’ll ensure your family is cared for,” he said.

Alex forced a smile. “Thank you,” he said.

“You were a good man,” said eevee. “I – regret that even my cures can’t be enough to save you.”

“It’s okay,” said Alex. “You did your best.”

Apart from the crowd, one figure stood alone. As he awaited his execution, Alex walked over to him. “What’s the matter, Jgoes?”

“I don’t think I should tell you,” said Jgoes. He rubbed his forehead. “I’m – worried about my family, is all. I’m the one putting bread on the table and I’m – worried – that I’m not going to be able to carry out my contract.” He shook his head. “That’s nothing you need to worry about, though.”

At last, having said his goodbyes, Alex prepared to meet his death. He took a cup of wine dosed with nightshade and drank from it. His vision began to blur as his heart sped up. The people around him blurred into a single mass of color, and he collapsed to the ground. The court waited with baited breath, until finally, he was still.

The bones of the Lich ignited for a moment, blazing with the heat of the sun, before settling into ash.

As the King looked around at the court, he knew, looking at their faces, that peace had come to Adiart. For the first time since the conspiracy had started, he relaxed.

“Open the gates,” he said. “And long live the Blue Dragon.”

AlexejheroYTB was…

The Chronomancer

Blue Dragon Support
Pocket Dimension (Day) - If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. - 2 uses
Time Warp (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 days. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses :crown:
Distort Reality (Night) - Redirect all deaths that you have delayed to the target player. Can be healed and does not bypass death immunity. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

AlexejheroYTB's logs

AlexejheroYTB - Chronomancer
N1: TW Marshal
N2: TW Shurian
D3: PD
N3: TW JgoesGaming

You feel a chill surrounding AlexejheroYTB’s body. He was a Phylactery Holder for the Lich!


Arete, you even had Flavor prepared for this. What is taking so long.

The Blue Dragon and the Inquisitor are victorious!


Postgame discussion starts now

okay show me the spreadsheet

do i owe marshal a poem


and the Inquisitor

I was the world’s worst Sellsword, you’re welcome BD.


God i love arete’s flavor


yes you in fact do

nah you suck nerd :^)

oh lord no

Let the records show that I wanted The Lich to win so badly that I make Fan Art of them.