[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I also don’t see why nuclear get converted.

He could have been scorned target as far I know.

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yeah again it makes very little sense

but what can ya really say ya knw?

At least this time they questioned observer’s visitors unlike on SFoL because dumb sheep have Solic has top 1 locktown but doesn’t compensate they might be converted because Wazza is not suppose to visit Solic, literally ignoring the night plan shows how bad BD played.

From another eyes.

I have sixth sense at expense of my sanity.

And I play better as investigative type.

I literally had my target found as headhunter but then I replaced out and new one couldn’t kill it before they died.

I was thinking he was kinda scummy D1. Not a great convert target. Then again, who do you really go for there? Katze claiming prince (obvious hunter move), Eevee and Marshal making weird plays, SDA looking scummy imo, Alex open claiming for no real reason…all seem obvious converts.

Yeah but where did that CFD coming from.

you dat or squid are solid converts

i always convert squid n1 if possible :^)

Squid I agree. Dat and me…no. Dat made it clear he was a Heathen to Inq, and he posed the narrative that I could be Inq.

Oh yeah Squid is still here wtf xD

I honestly thought eevee is inq rather than Marshal, his reveal is so cheap

But I am aware of Eevee’s play so I should at least expect his shenanigans:)

I was thinking that originally too. Marshal makes sense as Inq, though.

He could still be incognito and kill Derps, because it is expected he is going to die.

I honestly just thought Inq talk was smokescreen to divert the game. Heathens were talking about Inq so freely…it just didn’t make sense.

I think they should remove the part where Heathens know each other or know inquisitor is in play.

Smokescreen or not, D1 is still what I remembered.

“Hey do you guys think this is an Inq game? Im certainly not a heathen.” - Heathens

They don’t know each other