[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Cheers, it would be nice they shouldn’t know they were heathens either.

Yeah I was gonna say thatd be dumb if they did.

And yes I’m looking at how to make inq not disgustingly easy while making sure that this situation probably doesn’t happen

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That play could put derps in much worse spot in blacklisting than he already is

Honestly? Its not easy. Heathens made it easy for inq and Marshal played it perfectly.

So you see why I am defending Derps from that, not he is holder but that make good distraction he could be :slight_smile:

me claiming d3 was a mislplay but otherwise ur right

Inq literally has to guess what class the heathen dying is or they lose. If heathens don’t out, they could easily guess wrong.

He need to guess a class and heathen to make a kill, his N1 allow him to kill without discovering if he is heathen.

like just… don’t fucking claim or soft heretic if you dont wanna die

i had 2/3 guessed n1 and then the third says “im heretic” d2

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I more mean from a ‘it’s 5 AM and I pulled an all nighter’ sort of brain space type deal
Is inq too good?
Probably too good at killing heretics

Is informing them bad?

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As in
I’m in jail but fuck you anyway

That is cheap, but he have at least made decent effort to make correct assumptions that Dat is Archer.

maybe part of the reason i got the heretic claims/softs is because of lol900posts and i worked hard to get those

and the jail thing never was an issue. None of those kills actually were unfairly strongmanned

Ftf rather than in this game specifically

D1 is cancer, no offense. I avoided like a plague.

That last SFoL game I have improved a bit before I loss brain cells in process

He discovers a heathen, but he still doesn’t know their class. He’s gotta guess based on sifts or them outting (all of which happened; Dat softed, Kai and Derps hard claimed, EZ)

yeah im just saying that inq wasn’t as easy as this game made it out to be.

if you don’t either force out claims or hope town claims heretic for no reason, you are fucked.

I kinda like heathens being informed ngl
Skill testing element on both sides

He knows dat is heathen because he claims as one.

There you do not need investigating, just get straight to business.