[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

yeah this game i had a fuckton of posts to work with

and i needed to find 3 people and not die

which wasn’t that hard

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whats hilarious is i think i would have played this game nearly identically if i was neutral killer

Convert targetted after claiming paladin D1? Pfft.

There’s probably more, just quickly skimmed Dat’s ISO.

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Because you are number six

Gege reach match

I stand corrected.

Dat, you bad boy.

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yeah actually those are more obvious than i thought

mostly the “different Fol classes” implying the calss wasnt in TOl

and the shooting talk

and the :cowboy_hat_face: possibly hinting at guns ???

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Don’t soft as a vig


Heathens what is you doing boos

It’s even worse than any other soft since redirection is a bitch

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Marshal got lucky they have archer as heathen or he will be outed as death immune :slight_smile:

warlock(or invoker… can they even RD?) only real threat tbh

When is the next FoL/SFoL? I need Luxy to enter for me again so I can replace in for him and be neut again so I can redeem myself.

Exactly. Who is to say Warlock isn’t in play?

also lul at luxy randing scumsided neut twice

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Starting Invoker
Not that many things but if it happens, yikes

That is why I don’t post mostly at D1 because I will be target.

Would anyone be interested in playing ToS on the forums? I kinda want to host one.

You’re not allowed to true claim as BD, except if jailed

Have fun