[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Let’s see, Assassin and Lich would run free, the Mastermind would be executed and thus make the Assassin the Mastermind. You kill the Mastermind, but then you still have to figure out who the second holder is which could have taken so long that he kills everyone before you could kill them

It was impossible for more than 2 BD die at night 3 if Marshal was lynched.

Everyone else was protected in some way.

No, we didn’t, but we know now

Yeah, come on Squid, that is poor example why we should let anti-town neutrals leave them be.

Inquisitors can have scum targets too, so you can’t just treat them like a Sellsword >:(

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Sellswords have feelings too! Neuts in!

:newspaper_roll: Shoo!

They are like scorned who use a brain, scary

Neuts don’t have basic human rights, why should we let them in?

Imagine not siding with anyone, fucking losers



Scorned works differently now because they can choose their targets unlike the Inquisitor who has pre-determined targets

The NK is an exception because NKs kinda cute

So as Pug says, NK in

And uh, we should have all neut wIN if I had coordinated to ‘protected’ Chloe yeah?

My bad.

They have similarities but in present yeah they are different.

But Inquisitor is objectively more powerful than Scorned.

Yeah, but once again, Inquisitor can have scum targets, especially if they’re converted

Lich should go bye bye.

Usually, I’d re-roll my NK if I ever get Lich, this time, I wanted to re-roll the entire setup for how scumsided it seemed, we did not re-roll. So, we tested out Lich, and can I just say every single host despised that experience entirely, we didn’t like it at all and it just felt boring and annoying to have to deal with an NK that really shouldn’t exist in the first place. It’s a good class with a good concept, just a bit too annoying and overpowered. If the class wants to stay, can we please have a guide on it, we all had to message Geyde multiple times. In conclusion, Lich should go bye bye.


They have 3 convertible BD’s as heathen and that hasn’t been different as Scorned in the past with two.

replace lich with revenant

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