[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I wanted EoD an hour before it actually was but that got shot down (by a European, even)

Realistically there’s no perfect time, and people who can be around for EoD are always going to have more influence

That will be massive massacre at D2.

the game literally ends at the start of the day

Frost you know Geyde is joking, right?

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Exactly. Thats why you should delete plurality again. Its just making the game worse

Duh yes, I play along with him.

the alternative is that there’s a nolynch because EU can’t be online at EoD


I love how D3 and D4 ended with Majority and not with Plurality
because heck Plurality
Even when Quickhammering is anti-BD
But Plurality is awful

So ironically, we wouldn’t have lynched Nuclear rehab otherwise.

It is good chinese fire drill though

I had a comment
But it’d probably come out as incoherent ranting

I mean

I have ever woken up at 5 AM so that I could cast an EoD vote

This is an option available to people

Yes but it is awful …

You should never do that, for your own personal health

If we’re playing the whole FoL and then get few hours sleep but need to be awake 1 hour before EoD.

Something’s wrong with our mentality.

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Like that D1 spam curse.

It’s okay, I went back to sleep afterwards

Let’s not encourage it tho, okay?
Let’s try to get the lynch away from EoD

here’s an idea

you ask for extension

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That’s still an option available to people if they wish to use it

We didn’t delete majority we just added plurality