[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Like I’ve said several times, my opinions on Lich as a class have nothing to do with your play this game. My point with that particular comment is that even if BD does successfully scumread the Lich on literally D1, reading the Lich as scum doesn’t help them eliminate them, since they still need to find the phylactery holders.

Like, the Lich could claim D1 NK and spend the rest of the game posting cat pictures, and if BD doesn’t get lucky with the phylactery holder PoE, they could still fail to kill the Lich.

yeah but is that really AI

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Wait, so that wasn’t a bluff?

Getting read as town is priority, even in PoE. Once I got eliminated from the game, they wouldn’t bother Alexej because I am the last scum remaining.

It was avoidable if I manage to coordinate Jgoes to prevent visits to Chloe so I can kill him.

Remove all neuts forceroll Mercenary :sunglasses:
And my Alch wincon alternative is “You already won. Do you what you want.”
Amirite guys

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I don’t see how I should be concerned that game.

A bit overconfident, but not afraid to die.

How is Marshal town mvp?

Tried misslynch d2 and any lynch to save own ass d3, killed 3 bd, basicly coppied PoE of other people, cause thats what they wanted to hear.


Because town didn’t even play that good. :clown_face:

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sad chloe noises

@Chloe you didn’t do anything wrong, you did right, it’s just, Town still didn’t play good.

Like. @eevee-sama what the heck was that lynch attempt?

Did I play good, Senpai? :^)

You died, so no.

You did well trying to redirect your killer to themself though, so I guess you did.

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I thought you did well, your PoE the night you died was basically perfect except for misclearing Marshal and your night action was good and only failed because NKs are redirection immune

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The BD wincon isn’t to survive

She died because she was right

They killed them because he spoke the truth.

ToL/FoL summarized.

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That’s one of the reasons I followed eevee two nights in a row. Thought they would kill him for being a strong player

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