[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Kyle you are cool and hawt and townie

don’t think so

but i don’t think it’d make sense to spawn with a cabalist given alch is unique

Usually a scum saying u look townie to look townie even though some pockets are obvious

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wait nvm alch isnt unique lmao

Dodging the question bruh

All scumreads always start from a reasoning. I don’t think you’ll be one so careless to start a war on words just by “scumreading”.

Also, if you can find me the scumteam (That dorsn’t involve me because it is not me) right now with the current information in thread, I’ll call you a god and gift you a year’s worth of Nitro

a mafia who is overly nice or helpful to a town member to get the town member to trust them.

the fact that poss said to you that they liked you, and not as a general comment, hints that they might care more about what you think then actually caring about solving your alignment

They do. Basically the same as MM with Assassin, except Cult Game has CL + random cult.

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Oh well that’s easy. I like you all and none of you are possibly cult since none of you would betray that friendship

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Possessed and… some random.

im gonna say eevee because nerd

Or he just looks very comfortable in his posts?

Oh boy

Shurian idk ur tone felt a little weird. Idk was hoping some guns blazing but I ain’t seeing it. So I felt it was odd. So to convince me u ain’t scum.


so why didn’t you say “kyle seems comfortable” and not “wow kyle, you are comfortable and townie”

What happened with Alch on FoL? It was neut, but now BD?

Its not a FoL game with Marshal without getting scum read lmao

alch used to be a neut, was deleted, and a new BD class named alch(just a joat) was made

Yeah, Alch still builds potions, but there’s an entirely different system behind it now

it’s sort of a BD JOAT class now, reminiscent of the previous neutral JOAT class

Like in most of my games, my scumreads will be hidden until I see fit to unleash my fury

It’s counter intuitive, but I believe that illicits the strongest responses.

Yeah alch was too hard to win with current win con so we went with a design more in line with one of the sfols luxy hosted